Cupping is a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practice that involves placing cups on the skin to create suction. Though cupping is an ancient form of alternative medicine, in a way, these cultures were ahead of their time. Today, it’s used to help with relaxation, blood flow, pain and inflammation. Some think of it as a deep-tissue massage.
Cupping is a versatile treatment that can:
- relax muscles
- release trigger points
- improve lymphatic flow
- increase local circulation
- release scar tissue adhesion
- rid excess fluids
- eliminate connective tissues
Evidence supports Cupping as an effective treatment method for several conditions, such as chronic neck pain, low back pain, and fibromyalgia.
This modality is sometimes used in Physical Therapy and medical massage. However, Cupping should not be performed on skin sites with wounds, infection, burns or active inflammation. Sometimes, it can create bruises on the skin that can last up to two weeks. Bruises typically resolve themselves with time.